Frequently Asked Questions

We know that our solutions are innovative.
Our obligation is to always offer you the best training to achieve your desired objectives.

What is Dioxygen Chloride?
Dioxygen Chloride [O2Cl] is a yellowish gas that was synthesized in the United States in the early 19th century. In Clodos Technology products it is presented as an aqueous solution and can be transported, marketed and stored for use as a high-spectrum biocide in a multitude of application areas.

Why is Clodos a unique technology in the market?
Clodos technology is based on a proprietary patented formulation, unique at international level, achieving after the manufacturing process a PURE and STABLE product.
In Clodos, aqueous solutions of Dioxygen Chloride have been developed at the highest concentrations scientifically possible, but always maintaining (in a certified way) the purity and stable behavior during its long shelf life.

In other products on the market I analyze stabilized products. Is it the same?
No. With other formulations on the market they analyze difficulties to obtain a pure and stable product. Therefore, they use other reagents and stabilizing additives to keep the gas in the water. This makes it possible to have a commercial product, but in this product there will be a large percentage of impurities, manufacturing by-products, other chlorinated derivatives, etc.
We always recommend requiring certificates from accredited laboratories that certify the purity and stable behavior, as they are causing significant incidents in some applications in the industrial, agri-food or human sector.

Is there chlorine in your product?
No, never. The patented formulation ensures the marketing of a 99.9% pure Dioxygen Chloride product, and due to its stable behavior, it will behave as such during its applications as long as its recommendations and modes of use are respected.
We have it certified, as well as the absence of disinfection by-products after applications: Chloramines, Chlorates, Perchlorates, Trihalomethanes, etc.

What is biofim?
Biofilms (also called organic biofilm) are imperceptible microorganisms that form from the accumulation and adhesion to the different surfaces of the facilities, creating resistance to traditional disinfectants and posing a danger in terms of hygiene and safety in different environments.
Clodos Technology has the capacity to effectively remove this organic fouling from all types of installations (industrial, membranes, agri-food, livestock, drinking water, reclaimed water, etc.), eliminating the resistant microorganisms and allowing a complete sanitization of the process.

Are these products registered and authorized for the applications you offer?
Yes, always. Our company is constantly developing R+D+i of our products and applications, being in relation with research centers all over the world, and certifying the results in accredited laboratories.
With these guarantees, we transmit the results to the Governments or responsible organizations to obtain the pertinent authorizations and registrations.
We consider this is another of the differentiating points with the rest of apparently similar products in the market. We recommend that you demand registrations, use authorizations and certificates that prove that the product you are offered (your trademark) complies with what you need for its application.

Where can I purchase/distribute Clodos products?
Clodos products are exclusively manufactured and marketed internationally by Clodos Technology from Spain.
We have an extensive network of distributors and supply points nationally and internationally.
Please contact us for assistance or if you are interested in joining our distribution network.

If we did not answer your question you can contact us at info@clodos.com.