Disinfection of environments and surfaces by general public
Authorized for environmental, contact and suspension disinfection in industries, food facilities, communities, homes, transport, etc.
Fully effective at very low certified doses.
Minimalrisk: Applicable to the general public.
Benefits of using CLODOS Technology® in your daily disinfection process
With the development of direct measurement equipment guaranteed.
Spraying, wiping, spraying, mopping, fogging, automatic machines...
No safety time after application. No corrosion in the doses of use, applying directly on papers, toys, computers, furniture or any other daily element.
Easy to use and with high efficacy validated by ENAC accredited laboratories and by the NeuroVirology group of the UAM.
All types of spaces and sectors: industries, means of transport, sports facilities, homes, schools, kitchens, canteens, lodgings...
In people, installations, environments, textiles...
Most significant characteristics
Highly certified product.
No microbiological resistance to bacteria, viruses, fungi, larvae, spores and algae.
Control and elimination of biofilm and biofouling.
Certified that no waste or by-products are generated.
It does not transmit odor or taste to the products in contact.
Biocide based on pure and stable Dioxygen Chloride.